Найдено 2 результата

21 мар 2014, 10:45
Форум: Обсуждение ROSA Fresh R2, R3 (платформа 2012.1)
Тема: KDE 4.12, 4.13 и 4.14
Ответы: 102
Просмотры: 107659

Re: KDE 4.12

I know this is the Russian forum, but I can't find an answer on the English forum.

Why is KDE being downgraded to build 4.11.7?

After installing a bunch of KDE packages with the build number 4.11.7 - KDE still reports itself as being version 4.12.3
21 мар 2014, 10:15
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: KDE version and updates
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 5172

KDE version and updates

Good day,

I have Rosa Fresh running - last update took KDE to build 4.12.3 - this morning the update manager wants to install KDE 4.11.7.
Is this correct?

Nice distro by the way. Very nice indeed.

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