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30 дек 2013, 00:16
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 11824

Re: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

oh i see now, you are starting control panel like "/opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel" i was using like "kdesu /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel" or "gksu /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel". Now when i try to call like "/opt/lampp ...
30 дек 2013, 00:08
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 11824

Re: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

when i call "http://localhost" xampp page is shows up and also phpmyadmin and all other things working good, but some how when i try to open control panel it returns error. How you openning the control panel, i mean are you using an command via Konsol ?
30 дек 2013, 00:01
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 11824

Re: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

yeap, i found the Step 3 today and applied, now mysql is also running good. I'm just currious about why i couldn't start control panel. With Step 3 explanations everything just works fine with out the control panel though.
29 дек 2013, 13:47
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 11824

Xampp Control Panel Error -- ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

Hi All,

My system is 32 bit and ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 installed, i figure it out how to install Xampp but i'm having trouble to open Xampp control panel, according to my searchs peoples says you can open with "gksu /opt/lampp/share/xampp-control-panel/xampp-control-panel" or "kdesu /opt/lampp/share ...
29 дек 2013, 12:52
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: How to install Xampp on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 4272

Re: How to install Xampp on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

I just figure it out :) i'm typing down the solution if any rookie like me need it in the future :) ;

just rename the file name as "xampp.bin" to reach easyly.
Open Konsol and login as root, type "sudo su" and after that enter your password.
Apply this command "chmod +x xampp.bin ./xampp.bin ...
29 дек 2013, 12:42
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: How to install Xampp on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 4272

How to install Xampp on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

Hi Friends,

I'm a rookie about linux and try to install Xampp to my ROSA Desktop Fresh R2, i downloaded Xampp linux version from the official web site and it gives me an bin file "xampp-linux-1.8.2-3-installer.bin" when i double click for install Open With windows appears, how i can install this ...
28 дек 2013, 13:38
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 10596

Re: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

akdengi писал(а):Run

Код: Выделить всё

 drakrpm-edit-media --expert
and check media like this:

Dear akdengi,

so many thanks, installed and working perfectly. :beer:
28 дек 2013, 10:54
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 10596

Re: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

so sorry for missing information, my system is ;Celeron 1.50 - 2GB RAM, Grundig Ultra Book. Rosa installed with "ROSA.FRESH.KDE.R2.i586.iso " file (I think my system is allready 32 bit). I'm also rookie about linux systems that's why i don't even know how to add repo :)
28 дек 2013, 00:43
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 10596

Re: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

akdengi писал(а):Simple run

urpmi skype
Dear akdengi,

Thanks for quick reply, when i try to run urpmi skype from console system says "No Package Named Skype".
28 дек 2013, 00:09
Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
Тема: How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 10596

How to install Skype on ROSA Desktop Fresh R2

Hi Friends,

I hope this is the right section for this question, i downloaded and installed ROSA Desktop Fresh R2 everything working just fine but i couldn't find how to install skype. Searched at Google and Forum but almost all topics in Russian that's why i didn't understand :) I did download rpm ...
27 дек 2013, 18:23
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Best Linux I've ever seen.
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 9875

Best Linux I've ever seen.

Hi All,

I'm an computer engineer and fully educated for NT systems, so that's why i'm allways curious about Linux systems, i've tryed so many Destrubitions but i must admit Rosa Fresh Desktop is the Best Linux i've every seen. I'm very very rookie about Linux systems so that's why it's allways hard ...

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