Найдено 6 результатов

23 июл 2014, 14:00
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Chromium 26 not accepted anymore by Chrome web store
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 18088

Re: Chromium 26 not accepted anymore by Chrome web store

I like to read that that Chromium will be renewed.
19 июл 2014, 23:23
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Chromium 26 not accepted anymore by Chrome web store
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 18088

Chromium 26 not accepted anymore by Chrome web store

The latest Chromium version available for ROSA Marathon (26.0) is not accepted anymore by Chrome web store. That means that you cannot install extensions which are only available in the web store.
Is it possible to make available for Marathon a newer version of Chromium?
10 фев 2013, 01:09
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: FF multi converter
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 6650

FF multi converter

Is it possible that a Rosa rpm is made for FF multi converter?
I tried the Mageia rpm but this one is not compatible with Rosa LTS.
02 фев 2013, 01:10
Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
Тема: /var on separate partition
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 16672

/var on separate partition

I tried several times to install Rosa Marathon EE x86_64 with a separate partition for /var. These didn't succeed. About on 75% of the installation process the installations stopped with a message that it was not possible to write to root.
The problem was not that one of the partitions was too ...
30 янв 2013, 11:52
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: [solved] viking
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 8098

Re: viking

I just installed it. Thank you very much!
29 янв 2013, 14:44
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: [solved] viking
Ответы: 2
Просмотры: 8098

[solved] viking

I am trying ROSA Marathon because of the promise of long-term support. My experiences are very positive until now.
But I found that the repositories of Marathon do not contain viking , a program that I use intensively. I tried the viking-rpm from the ROSA-Desktop repositories, but that rpm does not ...

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