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22 май 2012, 02:40
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: ROSA 2012 Marathon review from O'Reilly.com
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6178

Re: ROSA 2012 Marathon review from O'Reilly.com

I read the review and will print it to show my friends. They ask me what ROSA was? So I told them it was a Linux release from Russia. Only after they had used it for about 4 hours. I have now installed it on two of computers. Also I am building a new system for a co-worker that it will be the main OS.
21 май 2012, 17:19
Форум: Marathon (ROSA LTS)
Тема: [solved]installation cant be finish
Ответы: 12
Просмотры: 30922

Re: installation cant be finish

Don't give up I had to use a USB flash drive to install mind. I had a problem with mind with install.
That the reason I made the dumb post asking about which is faster the DVD are USB flash drive.
The disro is worth the trouble.
21 май 2012, 05:34
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Which is faster
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6111

Re: Which is faster

Thanks for the replies back. What wanted to do was install ROSA the fastest way.
I had tried with it on DVD and it would freeze-up everytime.
21 май 2012, 05:29
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Test
Ответы: 8
Просмотры: 11611

Re: Test

I downloaded the 64 bit release and now love using it after the great help from the members of the FORUM.
To be honest the last couple of years I had mostly only used PuppyLinux.
21 май 2012, 04:17
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Add Programs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 12328

Re: Add Programs

Thank you very much, that solved the problem. I have to keep punching the add button to get to download all the mirrors but that is ok.
19 май 2012, 23:49
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Add Programs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 12328

Re: Add Programs

This is what happens?
First is when you go to file and use the add media mirror.
Second picture is when you tell it to add.
19 май 2012, 20:55
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Add Programs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 12328

Re: Add Programs

I tried to do it that way first before I posted. After you answered the post I tried again.
When I tell it to update it will start and then a warning comes up and said it fell to
update. Try back later and I have for two days with the same reply.
17 май 2012, 08:53
Форум: Off the wall
Тема: Which is faster
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 6111

Which is faster

I want to know which would be faster to use. If you loaded the iso. to a USB flash drive are burned it to a DVD.
I want to use the Orosa release to work with but not to install it. I use about 7 computers around the Home are
Shop. If I just use it Live and save my work to a USB drive then I could ...
17 май 2012, 01:26
Форум: Marathon (LTS) General Software
Тема: Add Programs
Ответы: 9
Просмотры: 12328

Add Programs

How do you add a program?
Where do you find the repositories?

New to Rosa and I like the setup and might get to run it after I do a test install.
So far every time I boot it live it freezes after about 10 minutes.
Going to see if I can install to 16 gd USD drive if not to my HD.

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