i have installed pipelight it don't works i try different ways to activate pipelight-plugin --enable pipelight but don't install the Plugin does anybody can help?
Найдено 35 результатов
- 14 окт 2014, 19:03
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R4-R7 (2014.1)
- Тема: Pipelight install
- Ответы: 5
- Просмотры: 12881
- 22 дек 2012, 00:07
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: ROSA community faces on ROSA official blog
- Ответы: 1
- Просмотры: 4722
Re: ROSA community faces on ROSA official blog
my real name is Jovan Spasojevic. I live in Germany / Frankfurt at the Main. Last I was active as a businessman for office communication. I deal with Linux for more then 14 years. I was involved in different Open Source projects, however, mostly in the background. I worked as ambassador for the ...
my real name is Jovan Spasojevic. I live in Germany / Frankfurt at the Main. Last I was active as a businessman for office communication. I deal with Linux for more then 14 years. I was involved in different Open Source projects, however, mostly in the background. I worked as ambassador for the ...
- 21 дек 2012, 23:31
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: ROSA banner
- Ответы: 9
- Просмотры: 12711
Re: ROSA banner
Yes should be bigger as the original is too smal.
- 21 дек 2012, 23:31
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
I'm not satisfied with the layout of rosauser.de i don't like both. I will try to do a custom or something else.
- 21 дек 2012, 18:40
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: ROSA banner
- Ответы: 9
- Просмотры: 12711
Re: ROSA banner
it's a little bit too smal is there a bigger one.
it's a little bit too smal is there a bigger one.
- 20 дек 2012, 22:02
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: ROSA banner
- Ответы: 9
- Просмотры: 12711
Re: ROSA banner
is there a new banner for 2012 Fresh?
is there a new banner for 2012 Fresh?
- 15 дек 2012, 03:17
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: xfce edition
- Ответы: 0
- Просмотры: 2946
xfce edition
will they be a xfce edition in near future availible?
will they be a xfce edition in near future availible?
- 15 дек 2012, 00:01
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: wine install
- Ответы: 11
- Просмотры: 15255
Re: wine install
no it works i can install wine 32 bit now but i have another problem if i try to run wine configurator it tells me that cannot find wine 64 bit i don't understand.
[jovan@localhost ~]$ winecfg
/usr/bin/winecfg: Line 33: /usr/bin/wine64: not found
[jovan@localhost ~]$
why i need 64 bit ...
no it works i can install wine 32 bit now but i have another problem if i try to run wine configurator it tells me that cannot find wine 64 bit i don't understand.
[jovan@localhost ~]$ winecfg
/usr/bin/winecfg: Line 33: /usr/bin/wine64: not found
[jovan@localhost ~]$
why i need 64 bit ...
- 13 дек 2012, 21:49
- Форум: Desktop
- Тема: horror trip
- Ответы: 1
- Просмотры: 5320
horror trip
today i buy a new computer. I have the Desktop 2012 RC ISO here. So i burned it to dvd. Then i boot from dvd i choosed install in basic graphics mode. So then i press enter and i saw a multi-coloured screen with stripes. So i think there is a problem with the graphics card. So i set the ...
today i buy a new computer. I have the Desktop 2012 RC ISO here. So i burned it to dvd. Then i boot from dvd i choosed install in basic graphics mode. So then i press enter and i saw a multi-coloured screen with stripes. So i think there is a problem with the graphics card. So i set the ...
- 13 дек 2012, 12:11
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: wine install
- Ответы: 11
- Просмотры: 15255
Re: wine install
I have the 32 bit repos but the error appears.
Код: Выделить всё
/etc/openal/alsoft.conf by openal-1.15-2.i586 conflicts with lib64openal1-1.13-1.x86_64
- 13 дек 2012, 12:00
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: wine install
- Ответы: 11
- Просмотры: 15255
wine install
today i try wine to install but fails with depencies:
libGLU.so.1 needed by wine32-1.5.13-3.i586
liblcms.so.1 needed by wine32-1.5.13-3.i586
libopenal.so.1 needed bywine32-1.5.13-3.i586
error while checking dependencies
[root@rosa2012 jovan]#
today i try wine to install but fails with depencies:
libGLU.so.1 needed by wine32-1.5.13-3.i586
liblcms.so.1 needed by wine32-1.5.13-3.i586
libopenal.so.1 needed bywine32-1.5.13-3.i586
error while checking dependencies
[root@rosa2012 jovan]#
- 10 дек 2012, 19:23
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
i will try to setup a mirror for the iso files. One thing i have to say there is more work needed to promote rosa in other countries as russia. The listing on Distrowatch is one thing but this is not enough. I think about abassadors for each region. The German Part would i do but at this time ...
i will try to setup a mirror for the iso files. One thing i have to say there is more work needed to promote rosa in other countries as russia. The listing on Distrowatch is one thing but this is not enough. I think about abassadors for each region. The German Part would i do but at this time ...
- 09 дек 2012, 20:58
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
Shoud we host the iso files too? But only the iso files the complete repo is not possible because we have limited space. And i want to know if the lxde and gnome edition are also LTS Releases.
- 08 дек 2012, 20:56
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
- 06 дек 2012, 20:40
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Do we need different sections for Marathon &Desktop(2012.1)?
- Ответы: 22
- Просмотры: 21474
Re: Do we need different sections for Marathon &Desktop(2012
I think it should stay that way
-Installation issues
-Hardware support
(+ Server and Off the wall)
-Installation issues
-Hardware support
(+ Server and Off the wall)
- 04 дек 2012, 01:26
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
no matter if not is also ok.
no matter if not is also ok.
- 03 дек 2012, 23:58
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
yes that's right but just to announce that people know that exist not more not less.
yes that's right but just to announce that people know that exist not more not less.
- 03 дек 2012, 22:40
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
yes really i am so happy but however it would be nice to see on blog/facebook of rosa.
yes really i am so happy but however it would be nice to see on blog/facebook of rosa.
- 03 дек 2012, 19:44
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
yes it's true the wiki is currently off because of some problems. I put two section on the forum for guides and installation it's easier for now because to manage a complete wiki alone the wiki will start eventually nex time. For now we have some new members but it will takes time that is ...
yes it's true the wiki is currently off because of some problems. I put two section on the forum for guides and installation it's easier for now because to manage a complete wiki alone the wiki will start eventually nex time. For now we have some new members but it will takes time that is ...
- 03 дек 2012, 17:42
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
seems all done you put the info in german forum section ok. I have a question when will be the info on blog for the german community site?
seems all done you put the info in german forum section ok. I have a question when will be the info on blog for the german community site?
- 30 ноя 2012, 18:41
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
ok then here is it :
Wir begrüßen alle deutsch-sprachigen Rosa Benutzer um beizutreten, teilzuhaben und zu kommunizieren. Beachte das du hier direkt mit den Entwicklern kommunizierst. Diese freuen sich zu helfen und einige deiner Fragen zu beantworten.Bitte besuche ausserdem unsere ...
ok then here is it :
Wir begrüßen alle deutsch-sprachigen Rosa Benutzer um beizutreten, teilzuhaben und zu kommunizieren. Beachte das du hier direkt mit den Entwicklern kommunizierst. Diese freuen sich zu helfen und einige deiner Fragen zu beantworten.Bitte besuche ausserdem unsere ...
- 30 ноя 2012, 17:00
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
ok it will looks like that:
ok it will looks like that:
Wir begrüßen alle deutsch-sprachigen Rosa Benutzer um beizutreten, teilzuhaben und zu kommunizieren. Beachte das du hier direkt mit den Entwicklern kommunizierst. Diese freuen sich zu helfen und einige deiner Fragen zu beantworten.
- 30 ноя 2012, 15:26
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
all done?
- 28 ноя 2012, 15:39
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
ok i will put an information with a link to the forum.
ok i will put an information with a link to the forum.
- 27 ноя 2012, 00:22
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
so do whatever is possible.
so do whatever is possible.
- 25 ноя 2012, 20:33
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
this is a good question possibly an info on rosalab.com or something (push it on the lists, blogs eg. whatever)if you have any idea let me know. I register the website in the most search engine for now.
this is a good question possibly an info on rosalab.com or something (push it on the lists, blogs eg. whatever)if you have any idea let me know. I register the website in the most search engine for now.
- 25 ноя 2012, 20:15
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
ДроноваЮ feedback please.
- 24 ноя 2012, 00:55
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
no not rosa.com it should be rosauser.de. I do it today i think tomorrow i will start with the work. So however i will give it a try ... but i need lot time to do all stuff.
layout, forum, chat and download all done registration possible in work wiki and news ...
no not rosa.com it should be rosauser.de. I do it today i think tomorrow i will start with the work. So however i will give it a try ... but i need lot time to do all stuff.
layout, forum, chat and download all done registration possible in work wiki and news ...
- 23 ноя 2012, 13:42
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
So i think i will start the project soon as possible. However i will start with german support forum so it's by you to decide. Can you send me the rosa logo to my email adress or somebody else. For me is no problem to create all the stuff but one thing i am not good is graphics eg. to create ...
So i think i will start the project soon as possible. However i will start with german support forum so it's by you to decide. Can you send me the rosa logo to my email adress or somebody else. For me is no problem to create all the stuff but one thing i am not good is graphics eg. to create ...
- 22 ноя 2012, 16:37
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Re: Rosauser for German speakers
first at all i will need rights to use the Rosa Logo because i will integrate it into the website. The second thing is should i register a complete new website or would be better to usa a subdomain from rosalab.com so here i am not sure what is better should it be official or unofficial website.
first at all i will need rights to use the Rosa Logo because i will integrate it into the website. The second thing is should i register a complete new website or would be better to usa a subdomain from rosalab.com so here i am not sure what is better should it be official or unofficial website.
- 22 ноя 2012, 02:50
- Форум: Off the wall
- Тема: Rosauser for German speakers
- Ответы: 41
- Просмотры: 62290
Rosauser for German speakers
i am from Germany and i am using Rosa as my primary OS. I want to create an own German Rosauser Website focused for Desktop users with it's own Wiki and Forum and also the latest news about Rosa Desktop but i need a little bit assistance from rosa.
i am from Germany and i am using Rosa as my primary OS. I want to create an own German Rosauser Website focused for Desktop users with it's own Wiki and Forum and also the latest news about Rosa Desktop but i need a little bit assistance from rosa.
- 22 ноя 2012, 00:52
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: telepathy
- Ответы: 1
- Просмотры: 4595
i saw on Desktop 2012.1 that Kopete is preinstalled. Because Kopete is not really maintained good anymore will it be replaced with telepathy? The most distros replaced it with telepathy.
i saw on Desktop 2012.1 that Kopete is preinstalled. Because Kopete is not really maintained good anymore will it be replaced with telepathy? The most distros replaced it with telepathy.
- 20 ноя 2012, 02:46
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: How to add 32 bit media?
- Ответы: 1
- Просмотры: 4325
How to add 32 bit media?
i am using rosa desktop 2012 64 bit how can i add the 32 bit media?
i am using rosa desktop 2012 64 bit how can i add the 32 bit media?
- 20 ноя 2012, 02:26
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: traditional menu
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 5086
Re: traditional menu
my problem with simplewelcome is if i switch under activities>desktop icons simplewelcome don't works anymore it don't open anymore only if i switch back trough activities>Desktop then it works again why?
my problem with simplewelcome is if i switch under activities>desktop icons simplewelcome don't works anymore it don't open anymore only if i switch back trough activities>Desktop then it works again why?
- 19 ноя 2012, 22:56
- Форум: ROSA Fresh R1-R3 (2012.1)
- Тема: traditional menu
- Ответы: 2
- Просмотры: 5086
traditional menu
ist here any tradintional kde menu ? I cannot find it.
ist here any tradintional kde menu ? I cannot find it.